

journey through an authentic Bali village

Carangsari Village

Located in Petang District, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia. With its beautiful culture and traditions







vcs-puru carangsari

Located in Petang District, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia.

With an are of 8.85 km², this village is formed from 3 customary villages, namely :

  • Carangsari Customary Village.
  • Anggungan Customary Village
  • Samuan Customary Village

Carangsari village has 4,778 inhabitants (2016), with a density of 542.82 people/km². The border of the Carangsari village in the north is Getasan village, the southern part is Sangeh village, the western part is Penet river, and the eastern past is Ayung river 

History of Carangsari Village

Carangsari Village is the village where Indonesian national hero I Gusti Ngurah Rai was born, so this village is very well known for its history. As we know that Pahlawan I Gusti Ngurah Rai has an army called “Ciung Warana” who did the last battle known as “Puputan Margarana”. The word “Carangsari” implies that the Leader must always be in the midst of the community. Mediate all existing problems wisely, unite with the community. Carangsari Castle is also located in the middle as the third Central Point (Center Point).

Culture & Tradition

Art of Culture and Tradition of the Carangsari Village Tradition.

Carangsari village is very thick with its traditional culture and tradition. So much that we can cultivate and preserve, one of which is the Tugek Carangsari Mask.

The female mask figure (who is danced by men) is thought to have been born in 1965. That means the age of the mask has now turned 51 years old. When the figure of the tugek mask was created, Gusti Ngurah Windia the tugek mask dancer, was only 20 years old. That means the dancer is now 71 years old.

Created in 1965, and very well known in the 1970s and 1980s, Tugek Mask continues to tour not only in Bali, Tupeng Tugek even appears in Los Angeles, United States.



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